Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Spiritual-based Osmosis is still a purification process minus h20.

 My search for the day;  In history, which spiritual practitioners developed some form of spiritual osmosis? That being the ability to deliver learned methods, teachings, abilities, as well as beings they held formed connections with and anything that they, themselves, worked on and mastered lessons of along their own spiritual journey out to recipients on their will and intent to do so?  

My search results?  I didn't know this before now but several practitioners have posted their opinions about spiritual Osmosis and their limited scope of  imagination of it that allows them to stop searching when they find results about the reverse Osmosis water purification process.  

Okay ...take that response and make a comparison with an analogy that allows us to take it one step further despite the fact that the search engine and robots can't do it that way.  We aren't robots so should have the capability to stretch our imagination a little beyond the limited scope of a search feature's results.   Water purification.  Compare that then to:   Ability purification.  Alignment increase. Awareness expansion.  Frequency increase.  Having better purer levels of intent for others, whether it be one client as well as all of humanity.  Sure.  Filtering of a different nature was done within me.  I took specific steps to hold more accuracy and purity and let go of untruths opinions etc.  I learned to sense in a spirit being's countenance, comparing how it felt to be in their presence, without allowing myself to ever come near those who read to me as icky and unpleasant from a distance. I had been an empath from birth so already  empathize and relate more to others but opened my mind to relate to  beliefs other than my own. 

 Unconditional love was opened.    Being a better version of myself.  The work I did purified me, the person I am now.  My nature.  My ability.  My integrity for the work that I do. My intent for others, individuals as well as for the collective of humanity.  This is my passion.  This was so important that I didn't once skimp any detail.  None.  This was so invaluable.  Unless I had a migraine or was ill with stomach issues or a cold or flu, I didn't take a day off.  I worked on something to do with my soul path.   

I completed all manner of lessons and worked intensely within myself for many years and fully completed 5 entire soul journeys in roughly 14 years time.  The last 2 journeys took many years and involved my creation of the entire path that I would use to ever gain access to that which I requested to inherit or have occur in my own life circumstances someday, maybe not even in this lifetime.  I'm not sure.  

Those 2 were non spiritual but I still worked on them in the spiritual realms on my last 2 spiritual paths and that led to the complete Lottery Mastery path being built from scratch by spiritual work that I did.    That entire path otherwise didn't exist before I asked to have that which I specifically asked for, reaching very very far and pertaining solely to lottery games and the results and outcomes that could be obtained by someone with my focus on delivering positive results by will and intention.  

I want the same quality of results with the Lottery work as I have with the delivery of Activation sessions and intended results and outcomes that recipients can obtain but there are details and factors present in lottery that aren't present in the delivery of sessions (and my own intention of results they can achieve from the work necessary  to fully complete a given lesson.)

In that, I'm extremely accurate and a huge timesaver providing an interface for everyone else that gives them the opportunity to act and the channel and literally receive direct insights and communication from my guides as I'm nearby channeling the entire meeting and encounter as the interface that others can utilize easily and get accuracy from, and I've rescripted the Ascension Journey I manually went after, retrieved, followed myself and mastered and then made it into 2 different Activation sessions to be delivered to clients that will be stored within their being and opened and worked on as they have time, in a very interactive manner. 

 It all began with work I opted to do within myself that led me to small steps of soul growth and progress on my own soul path, I worked with and learned from an assortment of and now still hold direct connection with as well as hold mutual personal alignment with the various frequencies of 500 highly evolved spiritual brings, including Yahweh, ascended masters and archangels as well as numerous biblical and other notorious religious and historical figures.  My team of guides showed up as new lessons were learned, new progress was made, new steps were taken and achievements were accomplished I hadn't even dreamed could even occur, least of all by me, through work I did.  

And when it was time, it just simply occured to me that I should try it and each time I had one of those impressions, it worked in my favor and I had a positive outcome from it.  


Osmosis is defined as 1.  A water purification system.  It's a backwards process, thus Reverse Osmosis. Cleaner water.  Filtration is the key here....not water. 

 Reverse filtering is also a relevant concept here.   I no longer function as I had done before where my abilities are concerned.  I'm primarily aimed out onto others so they receive the benefits of my Activation sessions and Activations, in actuality, are my custom created channel's programs designed specifically to work with my combination of abilities that I developed after the fact that has me offering custom intended sessions that bring the recipients of such sessions specific results or outcomes that I reach for on their behalf with Universal awareness, my own higher levels of manifestation and mutual alignment so the deliveries truly occur, providing that the client continues to do the work necessary to arrive at such results when the lessons reflect that. 

 Their guides as well as mine work together and communicate to me what their next step of growth can be, what they will need that can take a while to receive, etc.  Step by step, along the journey, if a client keeps following up by acquiring new sessions as they feel stuck, need extra help, lack an ability or some relevant information, we quicken the progress greatly.  

ELABORATE ON That A Little More 

Take that keyword research a little further and we find a reference in the dictionary that states that Osmosis is a willful act of some sort that a host of some knowledge is willing to send to another so they quickly easily receive that knowledge and can utilize it and benefit from having received it within a short amount of time.  Speed teaching through energy transfer.   

General Osmosis can have a sender delivering any form of knowledge...  Cooking, creative writing, marketing, algebra are some examples.  

My Osmosis that I developed is strictly spiritual in nature. And no higher being has not nor will they ever turn any lower intentioned lowly aligned unqualified random practitioner loose with such an ability.  Ever.   That's why it's not ever been popularly recognized as being an actual possibility.  1 person told me the word Osmosis when I was telling her that it was like my own abilities suddenly stopped working and others I was coming into contact with were randomly opening as psychic instead of me.  She said, you have Osmosis.  And you have no idea so you're not even controlling it so that's what's happening with the people you've recently been in contact with.  

With 500 higher beings on my team of spirit guides, I expanded to reflect the matching alignment that I hold with each one of them in my work, in my sessions and services, in the outcomes the sessions being upon delivery and receipt and  I even have Universe deliver them to the recipients so they're never in contact with this plane because lower frequency dwells within and can contaminate or compromise what my guides and I mutually work on for the benefit of clients of my Activation sessions.  

They are created upon my willful intent and are what I want for the recipient and sent by Universe to them.  I use my will and intent, make a thought of what I want for them, state aloud to Universe what session to deliver and it goes out instantly.  

No lower frequency has ever been allowed near these sessions!! That's something that can be verified and validated in my work and the fact that I'm still fully intact and connected to my guides and still have my ability to deliver results from my will for my clients.   

The ONLY time an Activation session of mine will not run is if there is lower frequency near the client and note that my abilities connections and sessions still fully work and are intact after all of these years.   

I want to be clear in stating that I didn't develop these abilities randomly and that they are the 3rd set to have been improved and expanded upon and which became my primary set of abilities after many years of work.    

Not  until I had done much work on maintaining a mutually ongoing connection to my guides, that wasn't repeatedly interrupted or disconnected.  To start, I fell in and out of alignment with the entire team and had to work to hold a continual connection energetically.    In the onset of that work, a minute was gruelling and caused severe headaches and if I left it without medicine, it could become a severe migraine.    I worked on that every day for many months.  Through 500 guides. 

What happens when a practitioner on their own soul path does anything lower frequency lower behavior lower thoughts and beliefs??   The connection to the higher beings, the teachers, is interrupted...no insights, no feedback, no connection, no communication, you can't even detect them hovering nearby anymore.  

It's fully cut off until you repair the thing that caused the lower alignment within your being.  As I've stated above, my sessions still work, my abilities are still intact and so are my connections to my team of higher beings, my healing team or team of spirit guides.  

In 14 years of work on my own 5 journeys, of 3 complete changes to the abilities that I possess and adapting  to their functionality,  I can send out all that I worked on, learned, hold connection to and alignment with, I am a reverse functioning multifunctional as well as multidimensional open channel with the ability to intend to send specific levels of soul growth, ability, steps of specific achievement and levels of soul progress to the clients and I can help them align with their own spiritual journey...as well as placement onto it.

 I am fully equipped and completely prepared within my own awareness and within my being to pull knowledge of what each person making the way through their own unique soul journey will need to achieve things as highly and as simply and in as speedily a manner as is absolutely possible and the reason for this work now and not before this lifetime is not a fluke....nor is it a coincidence.   

It's highly invaluable for as many of the collective of humanity to begin their work within themselves that will lead to not only an individual but also a  collective (group) achievement of Mastery of Ascension so we begin the climb from our current alignment beneath that of the frequency of demons and other lower intentioned beings so that they can't tamper with us, our lives, our beliefs, our journeys to soulful evolvement or the results we obtain.   

 This is a looped pattern from the very first lifetime that has never been collectively realized as a planned form of sabotage so it's never been dealt with.  In my work with my team, I'm pushing for improvements and significant change, but NOTE that the work on the soul path and within is not something anyone other than the one leading an actual life, and is also based on past, present, and future so each person has the opportunity to begin that work or disregard it and wait for another lifetime when it's more suitable for them.  It's not to be forced, it's not like miserable work, it's not like having teeth pulled without novacaine, it's actually pleasant and feels amazing to be in the actual higher beings own energetic presence.  You'll come to notice a difference with time.   

Likewise. I can also take the clients to the other planes or realms where those higher beings they are to have connections with, learn from and align within themselves, thus expanding their own awareness and sense of being and hold the potential and know how to apply more positivity and higher levels of pure intent to the various areas of their life circumstances.  

In the long run, as more people open to these sessions that I've come to offer only because I did the work I have on those 5 journeys and came to be able to deliver what I'd learned and worked diligently on and made actual progress at and achieved several major things.... the domino effect will begin to occur because happier more fulfilled people who aren't as uncertain and aren't unsure of what to put time and energy into are less stressed are more confident and are clear on what choices are best for them.  

That is contagious.  When others see and notice and even feel their improved states, they'll want that as well and will begin to seek it out and there is important improvement in the masses utilizing these specifically targeted and intended sessions that my team of guides were responsible for writing in all that people will require on that path when they decide it's good for them fo make.      

You've been well thought of in advance.  All of you.  Each of you.  

And if you've already been thinking you may need to get onto your own spiritual journey, yrs, you should and it's a very crucial time and lifetime and that's how my sense of wanting to get onto my own took place, as well.  After everything happened as it did when my brother in law called us back to California via telepathy I didn't even know what it even was, much less that I had it along with him. 

 You will have the chance to read my original website's content,the page named Mo's Spiritual Journey tells about him and how he had a bit of influence on my even regarding that I have abilities at age 22 and tried to prepare me verbally of what was about to happen.  


This wasn't second nature to me ... I held no actual opinion or regard or passion for spirituality or spiritual encounters at all.  Oh no, I was pushed, pulled, or fell right into the frying pan and had to learn quickly in order to save my own hide as well as protect my 2 babies from what was about to come into our life.   

Was it fair? Not at all.  Lower beings don't play by the rules, whether or not we do.  I did.  I have.  I was.  And I was getting my ass kicked by someone close to me who hadn't been that way toward me in the first 4 years of our marriage as well as our relationship before that.  

This is going to be the 1 time I'm going to attempt to make words pertaining to me and something I write rhyme like poetry.  

Jack and Jill are first husband and Malina and in 2nd grade when still an open acting and functional channel, at a uil spelling competition in a different school district, there was an unfortunate merry go round accident that broke Malina's crown (literally the top of the head region is the crown chakra and it governs the connection to the Divine plane, where God is connected with by channels)

Breaking her crown when she fell down caused the head trauma that led to her having petit mal seizures and brought her down through the idle years she spent to merely functioning as a psychic medium when the effects of the anti seizure medicine she took for yrs finally wore off & allowed the impressions to come back through and occur to Malina again.  She was 16 and had to be reminded several things she had created as a child as a result of channeling Spirit. 

I'm Malina, call me Mo, Spirit does and has since I was contacted and notified I had fully completed my 1st journey but could continue working if I wanted to.  I opted to because it was very important to me to learn all that I could so I wouldn't ever mislead or resort to guesswork and risk misinforming anyone where soul related matters were concerned.  And when I connected with Yahweh and told Him....(Oops....better wait to tell this story). 

I was given a title that I was told reflected my overall abilities and their functionality and the value and relevance of that but the entire time I was making the other journeys, still couldn't process how they would work.

 That's how I know the guides I worked with oversaw the actual results and outcomes of some truly key matters, while I steadily continued being open but couldn't try to imagine the actual outcome of my work.  

 Listening, learning and making levels of progress at that which  I was being taught opened me to trust the insights I was given.  It's a great relief to have that benefit. 

Call my guides 'Team'.  We are many and have purest of regard and collaborative intentions for the collective of humanity as well as for each and every person in thr world right now and  are fully ready to work right by your side on your behalf for as long as you need us.  

And for my next post, I'm already trying to work out just how to create verbal statements of intent of several of the founding Activation sessions to better power actual sample sessions so people can truly experience a far more accurate idea of how they can benefit everyone.   The 2 sample video sessions on YouTube are very generalized.   They don't have me speaking a recipients specific name.  

If you run a sample, remember to speak your first name aloud as I'm making the statement of intention or where I've written one out.  They both run.  People say they have different strengths though. 

 Like people who have received both manners say the written intention loses some of the power that the ones I directly speak have.  

I'm trying to work that out as I'm writing this.  

Love light and brightest blessings to you & yours from Mo and her Team of amazing guides! We'll see you soon.  Simply place an order for your very first Activation.  

My catalog of services & prices is listed on my Whatsapp Business profile page.  

Spiritual-based Osmosis is still a purification process minus h20.

 My search for the day;  In history, which spiritual practitioners developed some form of spiritual osmosis? That being the ability to deliv...